Working with our clients…

WZH International is a global business development project consulting firm which specializes in bespoke project development advisory for projects with focus on market development in China and Middle East, assisting clients from all over the world, in all aspects of market development, starting with building new international relationships connecting your project to the right technology or engineering partners locally for cross border project management, to assisting you to arrange project construction financing, equity fund raising, product entry into new market or expansion into a new region setting up marketing strategy.

With our network of international specialists and partnerships, we work with local specialists as well as coordinating various parties from all over the world to bring a successful project to fruition. Successful projects require both great ambition, and vision to create. To help you realize your ambition, we are here to help you set up the right partnerships and to execute and market your project to realize it’s maximum value.


WZH國際商业发展项目諮詢事務所其中專門諮詢項目包括: 专注于以中国和中东市场开发为重点的项目定制项目开发的各个方面咨询案件, 协助世界各地的客户开拓市场。我們的經驗可以協助來自世界各地的客戶,建立新的國際關係,連接您的業務與技術或工程服務, 與國際合作夥伴的跨境管理,产品进入新市场,或扩大到新地区建立营销策略。 我們將以現有的國際專家,合作夥伴與投資者結合的工作計劃,利用我們的專業知識來協助新的投資案滿足市場的要求,提高项目的價值。
